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Coffee Conversations: CTC’s Feeding Program
The topic of today’s Facebook Live episode of Coffee Conversations was CTC’s Feeding Program for children ages birth to 18. Occupational therapist Alli Payton and speech-language pathologist Christina Terbovic shared more about this unique program and why it can make such a difference in the lives of children and families.
Check out the episode here.

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week!
CTC’s special educators are definitely worth appreciating every day, much less during this time of year! Meet Beth, who has been at CTC more than six years and who is a master of creating silly songs for children to help them learn.
Fun facts:
My husband and I live in Maple Valley with our amazing daughter and sweet dog. I enjoy reading, running, eating, traveling and time with the people I love. I’m a lefty who enjoys making up silly songs and imitating cartoon voices. Some have even called me a Disney Princess when I belt out a tune in class or during a session.
Personal mantra, favorite quote or motto:
We can do hard things.
What do you enjoy or value most about working at CTC?
The opportunity to continue to learn from amazing coworkers and pursue my interests to better serve our families.
What is your favorite activity/game/book/toy/resources to share with families?
I love sharing and creating songs with our families. There is a song for anything and everything. And if not, make it up!

Family Connects WA Pierce County
Family Connects links experienced nurses to families, and families to community resources to ensure families in Pierce County have the tools they need for their parenting journey. They offer resources for local parent support groups, childcare, and even screenings for Postpartum Depression.
Visit their website to learn more: https://www.familyconnectswa.org/

Lifespan Respite WA for Caregivers
Lifespan Respite of WA offers a Statewide Caregiver Support Group for all family caregivers caring for people of any age. These educational sessions focus on supporting and learning from one another.
You can attend by phone, or online with any device and anonymously if you wish. Support groups are hosted on the HeyPeers website.
- Cost: Free
- How often: Monthly, on the first Friday of each month
- Time: 4-5 PM

Thank You, CTC Volunteers!
CTC is a nonprofit and we depend on community volunteers like Isabel to help us provide more services for more children and families. Interested in helping or know someone who is? Please visit our website to learn more!
Why did you choose to get involved with CTC?
CTC offers such unique opportunities. I have volunteered with other pediatric therapy clinics in the past, but CTC offered a volunteer position in aquatherapy, which I had never heard of before. I wanted to try it out!
What do you enjoy most about volunteering?
I enjoy volunteering in pediatric therapy because of all the success I get to see! To know I was a part of a child’s success is unlike any other feeling, and getting to see them reach their fullest potential makes volunteering so much fun.