What do you enjoy and value most about working at CTC as an occupational therapist?
The kids! The children I have the pleasure of working with teach me new things each day. They inspire me with their never-ending strength and resilience. I laugh hard and often with them and feel so grateful for the shared joy. I also love spending time getting to know caregivers, navigating difficult times together, and celebrating their personal strengths. There is so much to enjoy and value at CTC!
What is your favorite activity to share with families?
I love sharing some ideas for sensory-processing activities and then seeing families really get creative and come up with activities that will work in their home environment. Blanket forts, pillow piles, blanket swings, and DIY balance beams are some of my favorite activities!
You’re running a pilot program this spring on infant massage. Can you share a story or example of the positive impact massage can have?
I previously worked with a baby who was born with hemiparesis and visual impairments. She endured a few surgeries at a young age and spent a significant amount of time in a medical environment. The family was eager to begin infant massage once they were back in their home environment, where warmth and joy was shared. After a few weeks of in-home massage practice, the family noticed their baby using her impaired side more during play and more engagement with toys. She developed more awareness of both sides of her body. Most inspiring was hearing parents reflect on how infant massage gave them a positive activity to engage in with their baby. It was time spent smiling and interacting with their baby. This experience also gave the baby positive touch experiences in a natural environment with trusted caregivers.
What made you decide to recommend this program to CTC families?
Infant massage is a beautiful practice that all babies and caregivers can participate in. It is an inclusive practice that welcomes babies with unique differences and preferences. I strongly believe all individuals can benefit from the work of infant massage, but the families served at CTC that have endured so much with their little ones in the start of their life are truly are the inspiration for sharing this work. I am grateful for the support of CTC to help make this class possible. I am hopeful families will feel a sense of community and connection within the infant massage class. I hope they feel the benefits of massage and enjoy this time to relax and celebrate their baby.
About Kelsey:
I ventured out to Seattle with my two fur babies and husband in 2022. We made the trek from Madison, Wisconsin! It’s breathtakingly beautiful out here and I love spending any free time up in the mountains or by the water, usually hiking, snowshoeing, camping, or paddle boarding. I also spend some time indoors making homemade kombucha and learning new board games. Fun fact: I have lived in eight different states and Washington is certainly amongst my top favorites!